Test description
This quiz is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of developers with 3-4 years of experience. The quiz focuses on mostly practical as well as some theoretical aspects of Vue.js 3, including the Composition API, reactive properties, state management with Pinia, and best practices for performance optimization.
This quiz should provide a comprehensive evaluation of a candidate's ability to work with Vue.js 3 in real-world scenarios, ensuring they have a solid understanding of both foundational and slightly more advanced concepts.
Topics Covered:
1. Composition API: Questions on setup method, reactive properties, and composables.
2. Reactivity: Understanding of reactive vs. ref, computed properties, and watch/watchEffect.
3. Vue Router: Implementation of nested routes.
4. State Management: Pinia store configuration, state mutations, and actions.
5. Component Communication: Use of props, events, provide/inject, and v-model.
6. Directives and Bindings: Usage of v-bind, v-model, v-if, v-show.
7. Slots and Teleport: Custom slots and teleporting elements in the DOM.
8. Performance Optimization: Best practices such as lazy loading and use of shallowRef.
9. Lifecycle Hooks: Correct usage of lifecycle hooks like onMounted.