Test description

This test was designed to check the advanced knowledge and coding skills of C# developers who are up-to-date with the latest versions and features in C#. Most of the questions include pieces of code that evaluate your understanding of the latest enhancements in the C# language (up to version 10.0).
Topics: record structs, global using directives, extended property patterns, improvements on lambda expressions, classes and interfaces, dynamic types, CodeDom, extension methods, pattern matching, nullable reference types, slice, tasks, deconstructors.

Sample questions

What will be the result of the following code?

public class Vehicle
    public void BoostSpeed(double boost)
        Console.WriteLine($"Boooost with {boost} km/h.");

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        dynamic obj = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Vehicle));
        catch (RuntimeBinderException ex)