It is time for good bye! The SkillValue Assessment adventure will end on December 31, 2024. We invite you to enjoy it, and export your data until then.

Time to LEARN: Objective-C

Objective-C is the language used by Apple and their developers to create iPhone, iPad and Mac apps and their respective application programming interfaces (APIs), Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. In fact, Objective-C is the primary programming language used to write software for OS X and iOS. It’s a superset of the C programming language and provides object-oriented capabilities and a dynamic runtime.

You can find an overview of Objective-C here.

If you’re comfortable with basic object-oriented concepts and the C language, Objective-C will make a lot of sense. If you don’t know C, you should read a C tutorial first.  

Also, if you want to learn it step by step, here you can find 7 chapters of study in order to learn the basics of Objective C programming.
– C language fundamentals and functional programming in C,
– Pointers and Memory, because C programming requires first hand knowledge of how memory is allocated and destroyed,
– Introduction to Objective-C,
– Foundation Framework, used to accelerate the development of an application.

This 24-day course in Objective-C could also be really helpful.

You can find as well an easy and practical approach. If you are used to video classes, here are some tutorials for beginners.

If you have Ubuntu on your computer, this is how you can code in Objective-C on it. If you want to program in Objective-C, the easy way is to do it on Mac OS. Here you can find how.

After these first steps, you will for sure be interested in how you can improve your knowledge in Objective-C. Here you will find some tutorials to get your code up and running.

Waste no more time and start learning today! 🙂