Software Development

Time to learn – Django

What is Django? Django is an open source Python web framework which follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Django encourages rapid and clean web development. You can find more information about Django on Wikipedia. Where should you start from? If you don’t have a previous development experience, it will be really helpful to first learn […]

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Time to learn – Ruby on Rails

In order to learn Ruby on Rails you should first of all know what Ruby is. Ruby is an object oriented programming language that Ruby on Rails extends, similar with Python or Perl in terms of syntax. Ruby became popular once the Rails framework was developed. Ruby on Rails (RoR) was designed by  David Heinemeier […]

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Time to learn – ASP.NET MVC4

This article is focused on the essentials of MVC framework for building basic, scalable, standards-based web applications using well-established design patterns. In order to get started you should first know what MVC is. MVC is one of the three ASP.NET programming models, more specifically a framework for building web applications using a MVC design (Model […]

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Time to LEARN: Objective-C

Objective-C is the language used by Apple and their developers to create iPhone, iPad and Mac apps and their respective application programming interfaces (APIs), Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. In fact, Objective-C is the primary programming language used to write software for OS X and iOS. It’s a superset of the C programming language and provides […]

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