It is time for good bye! The SkillValue Assessment adventure will end on December 31, 2024. We invite you to enjoy it, and export your data until then.

Time to learn – Django

What is Django?
Django is an open source Python web framework which follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Django encourages rapid and clean web development. You can find more information about Django on Wikipedia.

Where should you start from?
If you don’t have a previous development experience, it will be really helpful to first learn Python.

In one of our previous articles, we have tried to offer you some useful tutorials  in order to help you learn Django and now we would like to take this experience to the next level.

So let’s see some new resources which we hope will make your programming with Django even more enjoyable:
The best place to begin with is Django website. Here you can find some information to start from together with some very useful documentation.

Furthermore, in order to write your first application, you should install Django beforehand. On Django website, you will also find the quick install guide.

Django girls’ tutorial is also a good starting point because it doesn’t require any experience in Python or Django in order to build your first application.

Some other really helpful tutorials are available: or

This book will teach you how to perform Test Driven Development.

The book “How to Tango with Django” has recently been updated for Django 1.7 and a lot of developers consider it really useful in their learning process.

We hope all these tutorials will introduce you to the world of Django and will provide you with the necessary details and tips to help you build your first application :).

If you want to assess you knowledge in Django, you can try this Django Medium level test or you can have fun with your friends by challenging them and seeing each other’s results.