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Data Driven Recruitment

Data-driven Recruitment: How to Improve Your IT Screening Process

Is your HR team struggling to hire top tech talent? What if I told you there is a way to improve and even accelerate your IT screening process for performant profiles? Data-driven recruitment is the smart approach because it provides valuable insights about candidates, informing your hiring decisions.

Such technology-enabled recruitment is now available a click away. Many IT assessment tools collect and analyze a huge amount of recruitment data. The trick is to entrust your technical staffing activities to an experienced platform that can help you figure out how to wisely extract insights and build recruitment processes that will eventually offer qualified candidates.

What is Data-driven Recruitment?

Data-driven recruitment is a strategic approach to talent acquisition. With access to talent pool analytics and analyzing your candidates’ skills and knowledge, you will have a much more holistic view of the hiring landscape. With this kind of data, you’ll build specific recruitment actions and quickly find better candidates using predefined criteria.

At SkillValue, we offer 2 main services – technical skill evaluation and candidate recruitment. We collect prodigious amounts of data and then transform it into easy to understand learning material for our clients.

Here’s what our clients find, all available in our app:

  • immediate candidate scoring to make a fair decision based upon the code analysis
  • annual data reports for the best skills
  • average level for a specific skill
  • technical trend reports
  • annual profiles’ observatory for French / European / worldwide markets, etc.

With these actions, we support clients in fully embracing data as a strategic asset in talent acquisition.

Why is Data-driven Recruitment Efficient?

Many companies need to hire tech specialists fast. A successful recruitment process is critical to accomplishing this goal, including assessments for various profiles and know-how based on long-term experience to ensure they make the right decision. There’s no room for emotion in the hiring process, which can lead to bias and candidates who don’t meet your requirements.

In the real world, tech recruitment is not always based on data and strategic actions. Unless your company’s experts play the role of advisors for the recruitment team, you may want to collaborate with a professional assessment platform to:

  • Create clear recruitment processes
  • Set tech profile guidelines to streamline the tech screening process
  • Analyze comparative results to select the best candidates

Talent assessment platforms can be beneficial in evaluating cognitive abilities, skills, and specific behavioral qualities of prospective candidates, thus saving a great deal of time for HR managers and recruiters.

A hiring platform works with the candidates’ database, so the more complex the application, the easier it is to narrow the selection according to specific tags.

Helping Companies Set-up Data-Driven Recruitment Strategies

Our assessment tool offers lots of data to support clients in creating smarter, more efficient recruitment strategies. Performant recruiting means making fact-based decisions.

So, how do we do it at SkillValue?

Screening process

1. Work with reference models to hire top-tier candidates.

We provide a wide range of tests to assess different technical abilities and a reference model to help recruiters build their own criteria.

For example, if you would like to assess a junior DevOps Engineer, here is what you will find in the SkillValue application:

1) An extensive test description and a list of every test question:

“DevSecOps is about introducing security earlier in the life cycle of application development, thus minimizing vulnerabilities and bringing security closer to IT and business objectives. This test will assess basic knowledge of common security-related concepts and practices used during the DevOps workflow.”

Even a non-technical recruiter can understand our assessments.

2) A graphic showing average results and score distribution is very useful for companies without practice managers or team leaders who could take the test and check the difficulty level. At a glance, recruiters know if the test is relatively easy or difficult.

IT Assessment Tool

3) Related tests we found relevant for the DevOps role:

  • CISSP Software Development, Architecture and Design Security quiz
  • CISSP Access Control and Cryptography quiz
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence quiz medium level
  • GDPR quiz medium level (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor quiz beginner level

IT Assessment company SkillValue

After candidates have taken a test, we provide the following data:

  • The candidate’s score and average test score, so clients can compare the profile’s tech proficiency with others who took the same test
  • The score distribution graph, which allows you to know if the candidate is outperforming or received an average score
  • Compare data by month, year, recruiter, city, level, and more

Custom tag (for example, business unit) and skills tags are added to the candidate’s profile to help analyze where the best candidates are.

IT screening

With the Score filter, companies can immediately find outstanding profiles.

2. Reporting shows the efficiency of the recruitment activity

Analyzing the talent acquisition process will help you learn what actions were taken, when, and with what results to improve the process.
Therefore, even if your hiring teams are used to making decisions based on intuition, they will find a stronger ally in data. Data will help them see what worked and what didn’t in past hiring processes and improve their future hiring decisions.

SkillValue allows you to stay ahead of the curve since you’ll know every step of the way if the recruitment strategy is implemented according to your needs:

  • Regarding tests: How many candidates take a specific test each year? Do all recruiters have the same rate of untaken tests? How many tests did you send to candidates in a year? What are your recruiters’ favorite tests for junior profiles? What is the most intense period for recruiting? How much time has elapsed between the moment you sent out a test and when the candidate takes it?
  • Regarding campaigns: How many recruitment campaigns did you launch in a certain period? What were the campaigns’ names? How many people were assessed during a specific campaign?
  • Regarding candidates: When did the candidate receive and take the test? What is their score?

3. Talent pool analytics addressed the right way

When we start a new collaboration, we import lists of candidates from the client’s own database. Then, using the SkillValue tool, they continuously improve and enrich it for a better pool of qualified candidates. More information is added with every test, making the search of qualified applicants easier, as outlined earlier.

What if the candidates take a quiz randomly?

When taking a quiz, there is a possibility of receiving a higher score just by choosing random answers. Wrong answers give a score of zero, but don’t subtract points. But this technique will not translate into a large enough score to advance further in the recruitment process. We provide many other elements in the test report, so recruiters know more about a candidate besides their score.

During a coding exercise, a candidate must write a code that actually works, at least for some of the functional tests. Among all SkillValue users, the overall rate of zero and null scores for coding exercises is 57%.

Andreea Costea, our Test Catalog Manager, explains:
“4 out of 10 candidates with 0 or null score are far from solving the coding exercise or have many syntax or logical thinking errors.
1 out of 10 is close to solving but will run out of time to finish.
3 out of 10 do not even choose a technology to solve the exercise (for example, the candidate can choose if he wants to solve the test in JavaScript, PHP, or Python if the recruiter allows him the freedom to choose).
2 out of 10 choose the coding language but do not write any additional code. They only run the code given and abandon the exercise.”

The Benefits of Data-driven Recruitment with the SkillValue Platform:

1. Provides a fair recruitment process

Our automated recruitment tool will correct tests, ensuring accurate and fair results. Therefore, HR professionals are far less likely to make misled or biased decisions.

2. Improves the candidates’ experience

With our catalog of 1,000+ pre-defined IT tests and 30.000+ multiple-choice tech questions, we cover all the technical needs on all levels. Our tech specialists regularly update and create new tests with a user-friendly interface that’s easy to work on, with instant results.

SkillValue’s reports automatically score and rank candidates, and you can set your success indicators to get 100% desired results for your recruitment campaign.

3. Benchmarks and forecasts your recruitment performance

Benchmarking lets you know whether your organization needs to amplify your recruitment or if you are on the right track. Predicting performance helps you set the budget for the coming period and the people you need to recruit.

Try the SkillValue platform for free